Clan Battlehammer
Emerald Dream - US Retail (RP/PVP)
Grobbulus - US Classic (RP/PVP)
© 2015 by Webjedi.org
"For King and Clan!"
Call to Arms (CTA's) events
We respond to Our King's command and attend Him in the Council Chamber of Ironforge.
<click here> to read more about the requirements of these events.
Code of Conduct (CoC)
MUST READ and be agreed to by all Clansmen...<click here> for more.
Breaking of the CoC is NOT tolerated.
Additional Horde WPVP/Alt policies are covered in "Rhusty's Letter to the Clan".
"So, you want to be a Battlehammer, eh?"
Clan Ranks, Promotions & Houses
Ranks and promotions support the internal structure of the Clan and how we operate. Participation, initiative, leadership, civility, good-conduct and being an excellent representative of Clan Battlehammer is recognized through promotions. <click here> to read more.
Request an Interview
Once you have read through ALL of the above, please request an interview in the guild channel (mentioned previously). Following instructions is key...
Still have a question? Fill in the form
Are you interested in contacting the leadership of Clan Battlehammer or perhaps ask any further questions?
Feel free to fill out this form and let us know.
(DO NOT USE to request membership...follow the steps above!)